Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


This statement outlines our initiatives to comprehensively assess the potential risks of modern slavery associated with our business and implement measures designed to eliminate any presence of slavery or human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. This declaration pertains to our endeavours and undertakings throughout the fiscal year spanning from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025. Being a player in the telecommunications sector, we acknowledge our duty to adopt a stringent approach towards combating slavery and human trafficking. Our unwavering commitment is directed towards the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in our corporate endeavours, with a dedicated focus on ensuring that our supply chains remain untainted by such illicit practices.

Organisational Structure

In Access Optic Ltd, we specialise in delivering mission-critical digital services across diverse industries. Our operations extend throughout England, serving as a vital link in providing essential services. With our workforce of dedicated employees, we play a major role in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of digital infrastructure.

Our Business

Our business operates through two primary areas of activity:

Network Services: We specialise in the design, installation, integration, and continuous support of mission-critical digital infrastructure. This encompasses communication networks, storage and hosting systems, applications, and terminals/devices.

Infrastructure Services: We offer a comprehensive solution addressing the design, installation, commissioning, support, and maintenance challenges of telecom networks. Our coordinated approach ensures the seamless functioning of critical infrastructure components.

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

In our commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking, we have established robust due diligence processes as an integral part of our risk identification and mitigation efforts. This includes:

  1. Annual Review of Anti-Slavery Policies: We conduct a thorough annual review of our anti-slavery policies to ensure they remain current and effective.

  2. Supply Chain Mapping: We conduct a comprehensive mapping of our supply chain to identify specific product or geographical risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

  3. Supplier Evaluation: We assess the modern slavery and human trafficking risks associated with each new supplier through a prequalification questionnaire. Regular reviews of all aspects of the supply chain are conducted based on the supply chain mapping.

  4. Internal Process Adherence: We ensure strict adherence to internal processes, such as verifying the right to work in the UK for personnel provided by suppliers, confirming payments to limited company contractors into verified company bank accounts, and ensuring suppliers of personnel do not utilise offshore payment solutions.

  5. Supplier Audits and Assessments: We conduct on-site and remote supplier audits or assessments with a heightened focus on slavery and human trafficking risks for suppliers considered higher risk.

  6. Response Mechanism: We have a formal approach to responses and utilise the information provided by whistleblowers to enhance our due diligence efforts.

  7. Violation Remediation: In cases where violations are identified, we support the supplier in implementing a corrective action plan within an agreed time frame. Additionally, we assist in improving supplier practices by sharing best-in-class practices within an open forum. Serious violations may lead to sanctions, including the termination of the business relationship, in line with our supplier code of conduct.

Our systems are designed to:

  • Identify and Assess Risk Areas: We continuously identify and assess potential risk areas within our supply chains.

  • Mitigate the Risk: We implement measures to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains.

  • Monitor Potential Risk Areas: We actively monitor potential risk areas within our supply chains to ensure ongoing compliance.

  • Protect Whistleblowers: We have mechanisms in place to protect whistleblowers, promoting transparency and accountability in our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Supplier Adherence to Our Values

Our commitment to zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking is unwavering. In order to guarantee alignment with our values throughout our supply chain, we have instituted processes to:

  1. Clear Communication of Expectations: We proactively communicate our expectations regarding sustainability, anti-corruption, bribery, and ethical procurement to all stakeholders in our supply chain.

  2. Encouragement of Similar Processes: We encourage our suppliers to adopt and propagate similar processes and expectations within their own businesses and respective supply chains.

  3. Policy Adherence Throughout the Supplier Lifecycle: Adherence to our policies is integral at every stage of the supplier lifecycle, including selection, onboarding, risk analysis, performance measurement, and continual assessment.

  4. Contractual Obligations: We ensure that compliance with our policies becomes a contractual obligation in our agreements with suppliers, emphasising the non-negotiable nature of our commitment to ethical standards.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2025.